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The Big Policy Canvas Knowledge Base is a state-of-the-art, online and dynamic repository that functions as an accumulator uniting all the knowledge produced during the project. It is structured along the three dimensions of needs, trends and assets and furthermore offers a mapping among them by defining how they are interconnected and how they influence each other.
Are you aware of an asset that can help enrich the BPC KB? Share it with us and be named contributors to our work.
Ideas for Bristol was a crowdsourcing website that was developed to engage and involve the city's residents in the redevelopment of the city centre.
This website gives you a unique overview of the votes cast in the European Parliament. You can easily find and compare voting records of members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and political groups and you can make your own comments and cast your own votes.
Integrated Planning and Management of land resources.
Legislative editor, with legislative workflow management, that enables user/clerk to write law drafts and other documents and WWW portal that enables to gather views and opinions directly linked to smallest defined editorial unit (i.e. paragraph, article), no matter the stage.
Popvox is a non-partisan advocacy platform that aims to improve communication between US Congress, and trade and union organisations, as well as the general public on specific pieces of legislation.
Through this portal comments on proposed regulations and related documents published by the U.S. Federal government can be submitted. In addition, this site can be used to search and review original regulatory documents as well as comments submitted by others
An interactive website that enables users to report non-emergency issues in their communities, such as broken street lights, needed crosswalks, potholes, graffiti, and trees that need trimming. The site notifies local officials and plots of issues to be discussed on Google maps. Community and local government responses are reported and tracked by users. Especially for Washington DC 311, an iPhone and Facebook combination application has been developed and enables users to report physical problems by taking photographs.
Using the language, tools and norms of the social web for social media PR and crisis response
The city of Vancouver used a feedback-gathering web-based software to solicit ideas, votes and comments (a process called “ideation”) on how to make the city more environmentally responsible.
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All the data are licensed as Creative Common CC-BY 4.0.