Thanks for your interest in the first BPC Workshop!
BPC Workshop on “Transforming Decision and Policy Making through Big Data” was held on the 4th of September very well received by the attending public. After the presentation of BPC and the other three guest projects (BigDataOcean, PoliVisu and AEGIS), the game-storming session continued with the animator making four different groups (each one with one colour related to one project’s domain), the presentation of the needs, trends and assets and the open topic: “Suppose you were a policy maker in your domain and the rest of the people in your group were policy advisors. Ask them about what trends, needs and assets they consider more important for disruption of/ innovation in your domain”. A lively discussion followed this presentation with which we could see the different ways of thinking about how big data can affect decision and policy making. Finally, we had the opportunity to listen to our BPC experts talking about AI, informed-based decision making and other interesting topics. The results of the workshop are being analysed and will be incorporated to our knowledge base, stay tuned for more information.