Collaboration Between Big Policy Canvas and PoliVisu
On the 3rd of October 2018, Big Policy Canvas representatives met with Lieven Raes, Smart City advisor at Information Flanders and coordinator of the project PoliVisu - Policy Development based on Advanced Data Analytics. PoliVisu is an Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation project designed to evolve the traditional public policy-making cycle using big data, with the aim to develop and launch an open set of digital tools to leverage data to help public sector decision-making become more democratic, by experimenting with different policy options through impact visualisation and by using the resulting visualisations to engage and harness the collective intelligence of policy stakeholders for collaborative solution development.
The meeting started a collaboration between the two related projects. The collaboration will entail the exchange of knowledge and content (e.g. the PoliVisu policymaking model and best practices), the co-production of project output (e.g. the BPC research roadmap), as well as the participation in events (e.g. the second BPC workshop in Vienna), and finally the participation of PoliVisu partners in the Big Policy Canvas network.