The overall aim of SCOOP4C is to investigate, discuss, and disseminate how co-creation and co-production in public service provisioning for citizens can be achieved by implementing the once-only principle. The six objectives below contribute to the wide implementation and diffusion of the once-only principle drive the project.
List of projects and studies in topics related to Big Policy Canvas.
SIMplifying the interaction with Public Administration Through Information technology for Citizens and cOmpanies
A seamless interaction with the public administration (PA) is crucial to make the daily activities of companies and citizens more effective and efficient, saving time and money in the management of administrative processes.
Opening up the smart city
Smarticipate will give citizens access to data about their city in an easy to understand way, enabling them to better support the decision-making process. Local governments will be able to tap into the ingenuity of their residents, gaining valuable ideas. This two-way feedback makes cities more democratic and dynamic.
Societal Needs analysis and Emerging Technologies in the public Sector
SONNETS will provide an innovative methodological framework for public sector organisations and related stakeholders to accelerate their transformation processes.
The Once - Only Principle Project and Emerging Technologies in the public Sector
The Once-Only Principle Project (TOOP) was launched by the European Commission in January 2017 as an initiative of about 51 organisations from 21 EU Member States and Associated Countries.
Transforming into OPen, Innovative and COllaborative GovernmentS
Assessing the institutional conditions and individual drivers and barriers is crucial for understanding the transformation of governments towards greater collaboration. The state structures and administrative traditions provide different ‘starting points’ of the public sectors in Europe.
Towards #WeGovernment: Collective and participative approaches for addressing local policy challenges
WeGovNow and its 12 partner organisations are building upon earlier research and development by further developing existing solutions and integrating them within a single community engagement platform.
A neW concept of pubLic administration based on citizen co-created mobile urban services
The WeLive project is devised to transform the current e-government approach by facilitating a more open model of design, production and delivery of public services leveraging on the collaboration between public administrations (PAs), citizens and entrepreneurs.
Your Data Stories
YourDataStories envisions to combine and fuse the two “suppliers” of open data (traditional producers and user-generated content) and to exploit the added value from this amalgamation in order to better satisfy the needs of the “demand side” – meaning citizens, journalists and others.