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The Big Policy Canvas Knowledge Base is a state-of-the-art, online and dynamic repository that functions as an accumulator uniting all the knowledge produced during the project. It is structured along the three dimensions of needs, trends and assets and furthermore offers a mapping among them by defining how they are interconnected and how they influence each other.
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Hate speech is commonly defined as any communication that attacks a person or a group because of its origin, colour, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or other characteristic. Due to the massive rise of user-generated web content, in particular on social media networks, the amount of hate speech is also steadily increasing. [1][2]
The pervasive use of information and communication technologies results in an increasing interdependency between social and technical systems. Socio-Technical Systems are an approach to complex organisational work design that recognises the Human-Machine-Interaction. Due to this interdependence, it is not possible to consider social systems and the technical systems independently of each other. This connection allows both subsystems to benefit from each other. [1][2]
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) can be seen as the smartification of everyday life. It consists of concepts, methods, electronic systems, products and services, which transparently assist people. Most of these systems are designed to help elderly and disabled persons mastering everyday life until old age and to support a self-determined living. Concrete examples for AAL systems are the monitoring of the state of health and automatic emergency calls. This holds the potential of increased quality of life and significant economic savings.
A new computing model – edge computing – is currently evolving, which involves extending data processing to the edge of a network in addition to computing in a cloud or a central data centre. [1]
Scenario building is an analytical method to make forecasts. Alternative scenarios of the future can be described as well as the different ways that lead to these scenarios. You can differ best case, worst case and trend scenarios. Scenarios illustrate possible futures in connection with causal processes with the aim of sensitising for possible future events. In Contrast to forecasts or predictions, scenarios allow uncertainties and should be seen as an estimation for future developments in preparation for decision-making, which supports strategic planning considerations. [1][2]
In times of demographic change and a shortage of skilled workers, it is particularly difficult to find suitable personnel – this also applies to the public sector. Talent Management is of strategic relevance, refers to the anticipation of required human capital for an organization and aims to get “the right person in the right job at the right time”[1]. With the help of talent management, competitive advantages and long-term organisational success can be promoted.
Regulation is an essential instrument to attain policy objectives. Better regulation is about achieving administration's objectives by rules, laws, institutions and processes to deliver better, more effective and more efficient outcomes. Therefore, certain quality standards in the formulation and evaluation of norms have to be established. Enhancing regulatory quality requires multilevel ex ante and ex post evaluation systems. To achieve better regulation, it can be helpful to assign political roles to people with specific expertise in the relevant domain. [1]
ENAP Holding acknowledges Sustainable Development as one of the four cornerstones of its Strategic Plan and channels its value proposition to becoming a company integrated with the community and environmentally accountable. Within the framework of the impact assessment, it is necessary to examine whether the effects of a project correspond to sustainable development in accordance with the German legislation. The central reference point for the audit is the German Sustainability Strategy with its goals and management rules
With its own locations in 14 European countries and with partnerships on all continents, the development of international IT solutions is part of Bechtle's day-to-day business. This includes leading customers safely through the complex challenges of European and global procurement and providing the right IT solution with great flexibility. Official partner for NATO Cyber Defence
Workday provides enterprise cloud applications for financial management, human capital management (HCM), payroll, student systems, and analytics
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