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The goal of the FREYA consortium is to extend a robust environment for Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) into a core component of European and global research e-infrastructures. The resulting FREYA services will cover a wide range of resources in the research and innovation landscape and enhance the links between them so that they can be exploited in many disciplines and research processes.
FREYA is one building block of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The FREYA project consists of three pillars:
The PID Graph connects and integrates PID systems, creating relationships across a network of PIDs and serving as a basis for new services
The PID Forum promotes engagement with the global community via the Research Data Alliance and through organising conferences, workshops and other PID-themed events
The PID Commons addresses the sustainability of the PID infrastructure resulting from FREYA beyond the lifetime of the projec
You are free to download the data of this Knowledge base.
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All the data are licensed as Creative Common CC-BY 4.0.