Technical need
Standardisation of data management
<p>Similar to the <a href="… of processes</a>, standardising data management can also provide significant benefits to the public administration, such as time savings and efficiency gains. It is important for the public administration to know what data is available and where it is located. For this purpose, a data monitoring should be established. The need for standardised data management has been confirmed in almost all conducted interviews.<br />
Coherent use of digital technology across policy areas
<p>This need is directly related to the need of <a href="… information exchange</a>. An efficient exchange of information can only take place if the used technologies are coherent and compatible with one another. Organisational arrangements, as well as uniform technical systems and software can ensure compatibility and interoperability, help to avoid media interruptions and, in consequence, make policy making more efficient, effective and sustainable. [1]</p>
<p> </p>
<h6>[1] OECD (2017),...</h6>
Establishment of a comprehensive technical infrastructure and IT architecture
<p>All interviewees stated that there is room for improvement in the technical infrastructure. The used technical infrastructure is partly outdated and does not meet current requirements, a fact that consequently increases administrative costs and leads to unnecessary bureaucracy. In addition, the lack of good infrastructure makes digitalisation difficult.<br />
In concrete terms, interface problems must be solved and harmonised. Concrete requirements that have been addressed in the various interviews are a comprehensive data infrastructure component, centralised records management and the...</p>
Ensuring data security taking into account the protection of citizens’ privacy
<p>Concerns about insufficient security and privacy are ubiquitous when it comes to the use of new technical possibilities - especially in public management. Besides the advantages and potentials, digitisation is associated with some technical and non-technical obstacles. Data protection and information security management can help to preserve trust in government. [1]<br />
Public administrations have to guarantee citizens´ informational self-determination, protect their sensitive personal data against unwarranted access and avoid unintended consequences (for example AI bias and identity...</p>
Deeper understanding of IT potential and IT processes
<p>This need is primarily about developing and understanding of the technical processes in the administration. Technological potential has to be identified and understood, thereby reducing employees´ fears of technology and possible consequences. A basic understanding of technology in administration can help make the benefits of technology fully available.<br />
We interviewed a professor of administrative science on this point. In her opinion, administrative staff needs to get more informed about such topics and attend relevant conferences. Employees can use this information to identify...</p>
Cope with the production of huge volumes of data
<p>Probably one of the biggest needs for administration is to keep up with the technical innovation. To cope with the production of huge volumes of data is a technical problem as well as a big challenge for the staff. On the one hand, there should be established technical infrastructure for new policies and the increasing number of data, on the other hand, the staff needs to be trained and able to manage data and produce “good” data.<br />
The interviewed division head in the policy domain “Youth and Welfare” on regional level stressed the importance of having enough staff that is able to...</p>