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Susie Ruston McAleer is an accomplished digital practitioner with over 15 years’ experience helping public administrations across the globe harness the transformational power of technology. A founding partner of 21c consultancy, Susie regularly works with international organisations including the United Nations as an expert eGovernment consultant and evaluator. Her portfolio of global clients includes the governments of Great Britain, Belgium, UAE, Bahrain and India as well as multiple pan-European cities and regions. Since 2007, Susie has helped to pioneer the European Commission’s Smart City agenda, conceptualising and delivering a wide array of cloud and data-based innovation initiatives. Susie is currently working on PoliVisu, a project which embeds big data into mobility policy making and SELECT for Cities which stimulates the development of Internet-of-Everything platforms through new Pre-Commercial Procurement processes.

Throughout the years, Susie has written and edited numerous specialist papers and journals, including a United Nations and Council of Europe book on eParticipation. She regularly serves on national eGovernment awards juries, including the UK and Oman, is on the organising committee of a wide array of international conferences. Susie is regularly asked to review Country-wide strategies on eGovernment best practice, most recently for the UAE, December 2018.

Prior to co-founding 21c, Susie was an expert with Accenture where she helped to champion data standards, eParticipation and engagement across Europe and Asia.

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