Thank you for your participation in the second BPC Workshop!

The second BPC workshop took place in the context of the European Big Data Value Forum generating great interest among the participants. Representatives of the Big Data industrie, research and public authorities exchanged valuable insights on how barriers that impede big data driven modernisation in policy making can be overcome.
The workshop was presented by Davide dalle Carbonare, co-leading the BDVA working group dedicated to the application of Big Data in Smart Cities, who formalized the collaboration between this working group and the BPC project. With this collaboration, BPC brings the perspective of the Public Sector to the working group, emphasizing the rich opportunities for analysis and informed policy making generated by big data.
After the presentation of the BPC results by Nuria Rodríguez, coordinator of the project (Atos Spain), the keynote given by Raffaele Lillo, former Chief Data Officer at Italian Digital Transformation Team, focused on how Italian public sector is profiting from its immense asset (data). His speech was followed by an interactive session to discuss about future research challenges and application scenarios related to the use of big data in policy making that should help the project produce the Roadmap for Future Research Directions in Data-Driven Policy Making.
To close the session, Mihkel Solvak, from the Center of IT Impact Studies of Tartu University, gave Estonian perspective on how to speed up the policy cycle adding value to data in Estonian public administration. Finally, Nuria de Lama, Vice-Secretary of the BDVA and member of BPC Experts Committee, delivered a few words of thanks and next steps to close the workshop.
Stay tunned for more BPC activities!