BPC project has released the first version of the Roadmap!

The Roadmap for future research directions in data-driven policy making was presented in BPC final event that took place last 14th of June inside the Major Cities of Europe Conference. You can download the different chapters here: https://www.bigpolicycanvas.eu/results/roadmap
- Do you agree with the research challenges? Do you think we should add a new one?
- Can you suggest any application cases, any related tools? Do you have any views related to the short- and long-term research related to this challenge?
These questions and many more where addressed at the BPC final event workshop. Did you miss it? Don’t worry….you can still collaborate with us and be a contributor of the Roadmap, being mentioned in the “Acknowledgment” section of the Roadmap Whitepaper (to be released in September this year). Click here and contact us to know more.